Jeff Page

My work spans across various media but my recent work has primarily focused on video.

I have been fascinated by the complex relationship between the body and architecture throughout my art practice. My work often involves questioning the physicality of materials and exploring how our bodies interact with the spaces around us. I am always looking at how spaces affect us and we affect them.

One of my ongoing text-based projects explores the relationship between language and visual art. During my graduate school years at UC Santa Barbara, I became highly critical of the limitations of language when it comes to art. I began to explore how words and visual elements can coexist and complement each other.

Recently, my work has become more introspective, exploring themes of shame, trauma, and wellness. I am currently developing a series of short experimental videos titled ATTEMPTS TO HEAL: MY BODY(of)WORK. These DIY wellness videos explore how the architecture of the body affects our emotional and physical wellness.

My art practice is a constant exploration of the interplay between different elements, whether it's the body and architecture, language and visuality, or the connection between our inner and outer selves.