Evan Mann

My bread winning job is running a video production company. I normally make really weird films, but staring at pixels and dealing with technology is exhausting. It numbs the senses.

I have recently returned to painting, the analog nature of corporeal material and subject provide a much needed cathartic release. an effort to return to being more human than before. Experience is more important than concept. Pilgrimages into the wilderness require struggle, and this is healing.

The landscape claws upon my senses.

Trees quiver and dance for a glance of my gaze, while branches tug at my eyes. Time flies.

Rippling, the river wrinkles and folds through timeless and untold geological masses.

Gnats feebly fan my eyelashes.

Time passes, beyond observation.

Juicy bear scat bulging with seeds.

My boots hidden beneath the weeds.

Sweat beads.

Move the brushes, cohesion with the rivers rushes.

Meanwhile, whispering phantoms reveal indiscernible secrets.

I am painting in the wild.