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INFORMATIONAL SESSION: New Satellite Studios in the ArtPark

INFORMATIONAL SESSION: RedLine Satellite Studios in the ArtPark

WEDNESDAY JULY 28, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM MDT

VENUE: Online, via Zoom


RedLine is excited to announce new satellite artist studio spaces at the ArtPark located at 1930 35th Street. This RedLine Satellite is a unique, temporary (5-Year) opportunity to be in partnership with Focus Points - CoCuA which incubates culinary business start-ups within immigrant communities, The Denver Public Library and the River North Art District to develop a campus of like-minded and community-driven organizations in the Globeville-Elyria-Swansea neighborhood.

The campus includes 8 artist studios that will be managed by RedLine and subleased to emerging and mid-career artists for one year with a one year option to renew. All artists are invited to apply and studios will be awarded through a community-selection process.